What A Trip!!Find the Fun in Every Moment!
It’s all about adventure in this humorous story that’s full of possibilities.
Follow the adventures of a funny fly helping a child enjoy a long trip in the car with his family. Making the best of every situation isn't always easy. What a Trip! shows children that with a little imagination and fun everyone arrives at their destination happy and ready for their next adventure. This fun book is written in flowing, rhyming format and tells the story with vibrant, colourful illustrations. What a Trip! is enjoyable for kids of all ages.
Up Past the Sky
​The relationship between a parent and child is ever changing. It's a learning, loving, growing experience.
A child is born and lives are changed forever. Up Past the Sky is an emotional look at the growth of a child and the profound effect these stages have on a parent. Enjoy the easy, rhyming flow of this story.... for kids and their parents.
Did You Ever?
Check out that view!Did You Ever? is a happy and fun reminder of all that nature has to offer. The bright, colourful illustrations paint a picture of the beauty surrounds us. Written in flowing, rhyming style -- Did You Ever? is a dedication to the planet we share and has a positive, important message for all of us!
Coming Soon
We are all different....... We have our own thoughts, feelings and emotions......our own look that sets us apart. Yet, in some ways, we are very much the alike.
S'mee is a look at the differences that make us special as it explores the parts that make us the same.
I'm Sure
There are things in the shadows and things we must do.. Scary things we make worse by the way we think about them.
I'm sure that we can face our fears and realize that things are not so bad.